No problems and no worries, this is a sentiment that has been with me from a very young age.  Yet over the years the meanings of this phrase have evolved.  In my youth I may have said “No problem” after, on a Monday, our teacher informed the class we would be having a test on Friday, and I then find myself cramming for the test Friday morning on the school bus.  Or in early adult hood I may have said “No worries” after the Boss bought the crew a couple beers after work and then as he was leaving bade us not to stay too late as we had a big day ahead of us tomorrow, after which I crawled into bed at 3am, if I was lucky.  I could go on and on with such examples, but I think the point is made.  So often I used No problems and/or No Worries as a permission slip to avoid responsibility or convince others I had everything “under control”.  Now…fast forward to the Present.

                 After decades of mistakes, successes, ups, downs, and all of that, there is a more useful turn for “No Problems and No Worries”.  I have discovered that, should I perceive myself to have problems, or I am worried about something, it is generally viewing something from the past as a problem or being worried about how something may play out in the future.  At these moments I strive to regain focus on the Here and Now.  Once present it is almost guaranteed that there are No Problems and No Worries, and from that place it is possible to move with clarity and confidence into whatever is requiring attention at the time.  It is this sentiment that will permeate the content of this site and bolster our conviction when it may seem elusive.

No Problems and No Worries

No Problems and No Worries

Our Services


Private QHHT Session


A trained QHHT Level 2 Practitioner I have worked with clients from all walks of life and from all across the globe. QHHT is a self empowering experience where you will be gently guided toward self discovery from within.


Group Regression Sessions

$99 pp

This Group Regression Session is presented in the fashion created by Dolores Cannon. It is designed to be a casual and fun experience but many participants still have very profound results.



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